Sunday 15 April 2007

Bericht: Oliver Twist

Is there a children pick pocketing gang in London?

By Maria and Maria

Yesterday happened something terrible in front of the bookstore “THE BOOK” in the London Avenue. A young boy was taken to court because a customer of the bookstore accused the boy Sam Waters of stealing his handkerchief.

It was the 5th of April, a totally normal day, when this wicked delict took place. George Smith, a big rich man, visited the bookstore to buy some new books for his collection. The owner of the bookstore Mr. Miller saw some little boys hanging around at “THE BOOK”, like the other customers. After a few minutes Mr. Miller noticed that 2 boys stole an expensive beautiful handkerchief from George Smith’s pocket. The boys ran away and at this moment Mr. Smith descried that someone has stolen his beloved handkerchief. He looked around and saw a little boy who was standing behind him and then suddenly ran away. All people on the street chased this little boy and after he was caught, he was taken to court. The judge wanted to punish the boy, who was called Sam Waters, badly, but suddenly Mr. Miller arrived at the court. He explained, that it had not been Sam Waters, who had stolen that handkerchief, and that he had seen, that two other boys had stolen it out of Mr. Smith’s pocket. Mr. Miller told us, “How could I permit, that a little boy should come into jail, if he didn’t do anything wrong?” So, the little boy got free, but the real committer of this crime has not been found yet. The question, if there’s a pick pocketing gang of young boys in London is not resolved yet too. If something new happens we’re going to inform you as fast as it’s possible.

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