Thursday 15 May 2008

description: charlie

Description: Charlie

The book is about Charlie, who is a 15 year old boy and writes letters to a stranger. He is a very sensitive and lonely person at the beginning, because his two most important attachment persons died. His best friend Michael committed suicide and his aunt Helen died a few months ago. Charlie is a person, that everybody would call wallflower. He reads a lot, loves music, is withdrawn and he cries a lot. He sees the world through the eyes of a child. His family is very important to him. He loves his parents, his brother and his sister, although there are some conflicts to deal with. Bill, Charlie’s teacher, gets important by and by to Charlie, because Bill gives him lots of books to read and writing exercises to do. Bill teaches him and Charlie’s spelling style gets better. At a football game he finds new friends, Sam and Patrick. Sam is very beautiful and he falls in love with her soon, but she doesn’t want to have a relationship with him, she only wants to be friends. With his new friends he starts to drink alcohol, do drugs and go on parties, because he thinks, he has to do that to be cool and accepted by the others. He is afraid of losing his friends or being alone and he cries a lot, but all in all he is happier than he was before. You can follow his psychological changing process during reading the book. At the end he becomes another person.

257 words

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