Wednesday 14 May 2008

exam correction

exam correction

Nowadays there’s a lot of violence in the whole world and in the media. In this text I’ll try to explain why there’s so much violence and I’ll make proposals how the violence among children can be reduced. Finally, I want to talk about my opinion about this topic.

I start with some theories about the causes of the increasing violence in the world. The first theory is that violence is an instinct which everybody has. That means it’s natural to have aggressions and we have to find a way to get a grip of our aggressions. The second theory says that violence is the result of an on-going learning process. In other words it is possible to make a aggressive or a moderate person out of every person. The last theory is that aggressiveness and consequently violence is the result of frustration. Every person gets frustrated sometimes, so we have to deduce our aggressiveness by doing sports or something else. For me all of these theories are plausible, so I do not really know the real reason for the violence in the world. I’d say that all of these theories are true and partly explain the cause for the increasing violence.

Now I’m going to tell you my proposals for reducing violence among children. In my opinion the most important point is the education. Parents should be a good role model for their kids and they should tell them that violence never can be a good solution. I think it’s also important that parents don’t let their kids watch violent movies of play violent video games, it’d be better if the children can go into nature and play. Another important point is the environment and the school. Every school should have a contact person for children to help them solving their problems without using violence.

I admit that Medved has a good point when he claims that violent films don’t mirror the reality of the average viewer. Like him I doubt that violent movies – especially if watched frequently – don’t have a mark on us. However, we live in a free country and we cannot forbid everything that may or may not be dangerous for some. Of course, non-violent films make lots of money too, but this is not an argument against violence in films. Finally, in contrast to him I think that it’s possible to escape this violence and reading about such films in magazines is quite different to watch them.

Finally I have to say that these different theories and opinions won’t ever disappear. So I think people will discuss this topic still in hundreds of years.

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