Tuesday 23 December 2008



„Struggle for Beauty“

Nowadays the topic „Struggle for Beauty“ is widely discussed. The idea of the perfect beauty idol is not 100 percent human anymore, e.g. the unhealthy-looking skinny models. Nevertheless, there are positive and negative aspects to “The Struggle for Beauty” which I’m going to discuss now and additionally tell you my attitude to this topic.
First I’ll start with the positive aspects of keeping one’s beauty. There are a lot of different possibilities to look more attractive. An important point is fashion. Your looks depend on what clothes, accessories and jewellery you wear, so it’s very important to be always dressed fashionably to look good. That’s not all; you also have to keep your body in form. It’s important to do a lot of sport, live on healthy food and to go on a healthy diet. Another aspect is hygiene. If you look well-groomed, you look more beautiful. That includes shaving, taking showers regularly, washing the face etc. The last positive aspect which I can think of is the use of make up, but don’t make your face up too colourfully.

Now I’m going to list up some negative aspects. I think the most important issue here is plastic surgery. I think it’s only okay when you’re disfigured, e.g. by an accident. Otherwise I think to have a plastic surgery only to look better is stupid, because it’s an operation. It’s very expensive, you get hurt and you may get disfigured. Another very important aspect is the unhealthy diet of mainly female teenagers. Lots of fat people just stop eating and think it’s the right decision to get more slender, but they forget, that this is very unhealthy. Lots of people suffer from anorexia or bulimia, because of the distorted ideal of beauty. So, I think that you should never overdo anything, because that turns even a positive aspect into a negative one.
Finally I come to my own attitude to this topic. I think the positive aspects would be easily to realize for everyone and I also think it is necessary to fulfil these aspects like hygiene, fashion etc, but do not exaggerate. In my opinion nature is the best artist in creating beauty, so I’m against plastic surgery. Above all it’s very important to love yourself the way you are and to be self-confident, because you’ll never reach perfection. Your character plus how you present yourself influences your effect on other people, too and that’s very important, because if you appear well you look better than if you appear badly. To conclude, I think everybody should decide for himself how far he or she would go to reach perfection in beauty.

446 words

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